Plush Bear Lab Testing Sample Report

Lab test for soft toys and plush products

When it comes to plush toys, safety and compliance are of utmost importance. It is essential to conduct thorough lab testing to ensure that your plush toys are free from harmful chemicals and hazards that can put young ones at risk.

QIMA offers quality assurance and lab testing services for plush toys, as well as other toys such as:

  • Electronic toys

  • Pet toys

  • Wood toys

  • Juvenile products

Our team of experts possess the knowledge and expertise to help you ensure safety and compliance. We offer a wide range of tests to ensure compliance in your destination markets.

Our toy safety tests include, but are not limited to:

  • Sharp point and sharp edge verification

  • Pull test on small parts

  • Pull test on seams

  • Stuff checking for the plush toy

  • Metal detection test

It is important to note that lab testing is essential for imported toys to the EU as proof must be shown that they are safe for use. An EN 71 lab testing is the way to ensure that your plush toys meet the criteria and standards set by the Toy Safety Directive.

We can carry out a wide range of tests to assess the quality, safety, durability and other specifications of your products and materials, including:

  • Mechanical & Flammability Test

    • Impact

    • Torque

    • Tension

    • Seam strength

    • Flammability of solids

  • Chemical Test

    • Lead (substrates)

    • Soluble heavy metal content in substrates

    • Phthalates

QIMA provides all kinds of lab tests to protect your business interests. Our highly trained product experts receive regular training in their field of specialization with 99% on-time report delivery, fully customizable programs and reports to include tests you need, saving time and cost.

We specialize in lab testing for all types of consumer goods including, but not limited to apparel and footwear, toys, electronics and furniture.

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