5 Reasons Why Millennial-Focused Brands Cannot Afford to Ignore Social Responsibility

This whitepaper will give you insights on:

  • The scale and importance of Millennials as a target consumer group for your brand

  • Multiple social responsibility factors that shape Millennials’ purchasing decisions

  • Recommendations for an ethical supply chain that will help you win Millennials’ business

When it comes to brands, research continues to stress the importance of social responsibility among millennials. In the past it was common for companies to source goods from overseas with little concern about who was making them or the labor conditions they were manufactured in, but times have changed. With the rise of socially conscious Millennial consumers, it’s clear that brands can no longer afford to ignore ethical compliance throughout their supply chains.

Millennials’ consumer behavior is heavily influenced by social responsibility, more so than those of any other demographic.

  • The scale and importance of millennials as a target consumer group for your brand.

  • Multiple social responsibility factors that shape Millennials’ purchasing decisions.

  • Recommendations for an ethical supply chain that will help you win Millennials’ business.



  • Millennials are a huge group with growing purchasing power

  • Millennials hold brands to a high standard of social responsibility

  • Millennials care about multiple social issues

  • Millennials are willing to pay more for ethically sourced goods

  • Social Media gives Millennials massive influence on other buyers

How to Build an Ethical Supply Chain

Meaningful progress and transparency in corporate social responsibility requires active engagement in your brand’s supply chain. Learn what to look for in an ethical audit service provider so you can improve your relationship with Millennial consumers.

Download this complimentary whitepaper to learn more about social responsibility among millennials.

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